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Building A Custom Exhibit With Pipe and Drape
Pipe and drape in trade shows are being used quite common,  they help to display your service and product in a sea of other traders in that event and make you standing out.

However, trying to build your own pipe and drape in a trade show won't be an easy task, especially when other competitors are using the same tactics as well, so how do you do it?

You need to keep it mind that there are not only one way to build your trade show displays, there also are things like pop-up display, panel and frame or banner stand.

The funny thing is, you can use pipe and drape to achieve all the three tactics at once.
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First, you'll need to be creative towards your drape, for it is basically the core of the whole pipe and drape system. In a banner stand system, you use the banner to function as a sort of poster, indicating your business and products; you can adapt that into your pipe and drape curtain. Just try to reshape your curtain into something similar to your logo, then print something more attractive on it, just like what you do to a banner.

Or, you could redesign your pipes, make it more adaptable to your drape, the same as a panel frame system. Pipe and drape is wonderful in that you can design it the way you want.

Next:下一篇:How To Choose The Right Pipe And Drape To Solve Your Problem?
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