Last time we've discussed the topic: Prepare for an awesome wedding with pipe and drape, we explained that Pipe and Drape is a useful tool that can be adapted to many occasions. Since wedding is one of them, pipe and drape for wedding has many advantages and conditions.
Pipe and drape for wedding is really common now, for decoration purposes, it reveals an ideal wedding, which is every girl's dream since forever. You can many things as you want - pigeons, flowers, fashion tablecloth, but it's the pipe and drape decoration that really matters.
Planning a wedding? Get started now!
We have several adjustable pipes here, ranging from 3~5 ft tall to 11~20 ft tall, giving you multiple available choices: whether it's outdoor or in a big hall, or a lovely small chamber. With our special two adjustable clamps, we can proudly say that height won't be a problem for our products.
Pipe and drape curtain backdrop should be the key part of the whole system, most people would choose white as the main theme of their wedding, with pipe and drape at your hand, simply hang up a piece of beautiful, elegant backdrop and the whole theme is lifted. Of course, you can always choose a different pipe and drape color, for example: blue or golden-white, or rose-red. They are all available.
Backdrop is not just about colors, it's also about fabric.
We currently offer many fabrics, they are all fire-retardent.
RK provides only good quality with low price pipe and drape, we are Chinese local manufacturer and we make sure our price stay the best around the world. If you seek opportunity to be partners with us, why not contact us?